
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4h30pm

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Jaw pain

Jaw pain can come from many different anatomic structures. Jaw pain can come from muscles, bones, ligaments, and from nerves. The history of your jaw problem, combined with a full examination and images (x-ray and/or MRI) helps us to know which problems affect you and to decide which care is better. Wheter it’s splint therapy or dental equilibration (or in some rare cases, surgery) the diagnosis is the basis to make the best decision.

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Malocclusion / bad bite

Malocclusion can be defined as a poor relation between the upper and lower teeth.

A malocclusion can be obvious, for example if the teeth are crooked, or it can be more subtle as when people do not have a stable position to close their teeth together, or when there is more pressure on one side than the other.

What you need to understand is that appart from the possible aesthetic defect, any malocclusion, whether big or small, has the power to create muscle tension that can make your bones, your muscles and your joints wear and/or degenerate faster than normal.

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Clicking jaw and crepitus

In the jaw, exactly like in the knee, you have a cartilage that we call meniscus (or disk). When the disk displaces anteriorly, it gets stuck between two bones, and when the lower jaw moves, we sometimes hear a clicking noise, that tells us that the disk is out of place.

There are many people for whom the meniscus are displaced from their natural position. This displacement can trigger many consequences, including : poor jaw growth, clicking jaw, jaw pain, muscles tension, misalignment, etc.

Some TMJ clicking can be painful, others are not. It does not matter if you are symptomatic or not, the situation deserves specific attention. A displaced disk can move even more and create jaw/joint degeneration which can lead to a crooked mouth and pain.

We usually equilibrate the dentition or fabricate an equilibrated night guard to reduce the pressure off the joint to reduce the risk of future damage.

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Bruxism or muscle hyperactivity

Forever humans have been grinding their teeth. It is normal and natural to bruxe a little. But when we damage our teeth, muscles, bones, joints, nerves, or when we have pain, bruxism becomes a problem. Today, we know 6 possible causes for bruxism or muscle hyperactivity : malocclusion, problematic joints, centrally disordered (from the brain), sleep apnea, some medications and stress level.

There are ways to counter: we can protect from the effects or influence the cause.

We will typically use an equilibrated splint, a dental equilibration, stress level control, medication, physiotherapy, etc.

If your teeth are severely worn, we can also rebuild them with porcelain crowns.

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Locked jaw : open or closed


  • The main reason why people get a locked jaw is the displacement of the disk that locks in the joint. We solve the blocking jaw by manipulation (physiotherapy), with medication, an equilibrated splint, a dental equilibration or more rarely with surgery.
  • The second reason why the jaw will lock is muscular spasms. The body is thus made, that when a joint becomes ill, painful or inflammed, the muscles can spasm to protect and stop most movement. Physiotherapy is the first thing to do. We combine physiotherapy with an equilibrated occlusal splint, a dental equilibration and the following recommendations:

    • Good tongue posture (on your palate)
    • Eat softer food
    • Avoid biting your nails
    • Drink maximum 1 coffee per day and avoid energizing drinks and other products containing caffeine
    • Minimize alchool consumption
    • Avoid to clench or put your teeth together
    • Exercises program
    • Moist heat application
    • Minimize or stop definitely your nicotine consumption
    • Good quality of sleep


  • The jaw locks open when we open too wide, and it « comes out » of its socket. We have to relax and manipulate the jaw to set it back in place. To minimize the risk of locking again, bite correction is recommended.

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Clenching has mostly same origin as bruxism. However, it is more subtle because there is little or no noise, but almost as much damage. The solutions are the same as for bruxism, a bite splint and/or a dental equilibration.

We can also rebuild the worn teeth.

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Osteoarthritis of the jaw

Often, people will talk about arthritis or osteoarthritis of the jaw. By definition, arthritis originates from a systemic problem which means that it’s a disease that originates from the body. Arthritis of the jaw is quite rare. On the other hand osteoarthritis is very frequent. However, the term osteoarthritis is vague when we talk about the jaw. The diagnosis must be more precise to know how things will evolve and know what care to provide.

We can treat with medication, rest, bite splint, dental equilibration, surgery, all according to the case and its severity.

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Worn, fissured and fractured teeth

Almost everyone has wear and tear on their teeth. On the other hand, if a little wear can be normal and even tolerated, it can rapidly become excessive if we clench or grind.

When we clench or grind, the applied force is excessive and then, consequences can occur. You can see your teeth getting worn, fissured or fractured.

Many people break fillings, natural teeth, or break crowns because of clenching or bruxism. Many people have little fissures in their teeth. Those are signs of excessive applied forces. It is, in all cases, essential to protect the teeth from this destruction. The dental consequences of clenching or bruxism can be prevented by a bite splint, a dental equilibration or with restorations when the wear is important.

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Headaches and migraines

The vast majority of the headaches are located on the side of the head, behind the eyes, or behind or on the top of the head.

When headaches or migraines are on the side of the head or behind the eyes, the jaw is almost always the main cause. When headaches or migraines are behind or on top of the head, the neck is the main origin, but with the jaw as secondary component : the jaw itself stresses the neck when it is tense.

Headaches and migraines have several origins and causes. In a study by Dr Aubé and Dr Jacques Meloche Neurologist, with the Clinique de la migraine de Montréal, dental equilibration has been shown to reduce headache and migraine by more than 80% in many patients.

Any headache must first have a medical investigation. When a doctor tells you that there is no evidence of a serious cause for your headaches, then you can consult us to see if your teeth or joints may be involved.

We treat headaches and/or migraines with a bite splint or a dental equilibration, and physiotherapy.

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Teeth with receding gum

Gum recession may have many causes : toothbrush, orthodontic treatment, excessive lateral pressure on the teeth. It is more and more obvious that receding gums frequently origin from teeth clenching and⁄or grinding. It is the lateral force exerted during clenching and grinding that causes the receding. We help to protect the teeth from receding gums with a bite splint or a dental equilibration.

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Otitis – false otitis – earache

A lot of people go to their doctor or their ENT for earache and the doctor does not notice any obvious infection. When this happens, ear pain is most likely due to the jaw joint. Between the ear and the jaw joint, there is a thin membrane. When the jaw joints are painful or inflamed, they often refer pain to the ear.

We treat that pain exactly like jaw pain, with medication, a bite splint or a dental equilibration, physiotherapy, and eventually with surgery if needed.

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Small jaw – receding or fleeing chin

Small or recessed jaws come either from genetic or poor development. Evaluating the origin of the problem will be done by X-ray and by MRI of the jaw.

A crooked jaw comes from either sub-growth on one side, which causes the deviation of the jaw, or an excess growth on one side, which also causes the deviation of the jaw.

We need to assess if these problems need to be treated, and if so, many solutions are available like orthodontic treatment or surgical treatment.

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Abfraction – hollow or notches in the teeth, near the gums

When the teeth are sensitive near the gums, or if they have notches that you can feel with the tip of your nails, it’s because of micro-fractures due to excess pressure. This is called an abfraction.

We treat the abfraction itself by placing a white filing in the notch. We should also treat the excess pressure with a bite splint or a dental equilibration.

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Labyrinthitis, dizziness, Ménière’s syndrome

Labyrinthitis (viral or not), dizziness and Ménière’s syndrome have no clear origin. Many people who suffer from these conditions take medication. We manage to relieve it in large numbers by reducing the pressure in the jaw joint with a bite splint or a dental equilibration. One hypothesis would be that the pressure exerted by the clenching causes an imbalance in the inner ear, which is close neighbor to the jaw joint.

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Tooth pain – sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet

Sometimes, teeth can be sensitive or painful without apparent reason. Also, teeth with gum recession can be sensitive or painful to cold, hot or sweet. In every case, the most frequent cause of pain⁄ sensitivity is the irritation of the nerve of the tooth that comes from “occlusal trauma”. This occlusal trauma happens when a tooth is under more pressure than the others, or it can happen if you clench or grind your teeth. To ease that kind of pain, you can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but eliminating the excess pressure with a bite splint or a dental equilibration remains the basic care you should get for long term relief.

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Neck pain

Many people with neck pain also have teeth clenching. In fact, it works both ways. Neck problem can cause the clenching, and clenching ⁄ grinding can put a lot of pressure on the neck. We should treat both concomitantly. Physiotherapy, osteopathy or chiropractic treatment can be useful to treat the neck. A bite splint and a dental equilibration will reduce and control the negative effect of clenching and grinding.

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Eye pain – pain behind the eye – pressure in the eye

The temple muscle slides behind the orbit. This muscle is used to clench your teeth. Sometimes it becomes tense or spastic and it causes pain or pressure behind the eye. First, consult the optometrist or doctor to make sure the eye has no obvious disease. If the medical side does not provide an answer, the tension of the temporal muscle becomes the most common cause of this pain.

We treat the pressure in the temporal muscle with a bite splint or a dental equilibration.

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Sinusitis – chronic sinusitis

Some people with chronic or recurrent sinusitis have their sinus membranes (skin lining the inside of the sinus) irritated by the pressure generated in the upper jaw by clenching or grinding of teeth.

If you need a bite splint or a dental equilibration for any other reason, you might see a reduction of your symptoms of chronic sinusitis.

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Numbness in the face : lips, cheeks, jaw

If you experience numbness of the skin in your face around your lips, cheeks or jaw, you have to consult for a medical evaluation. Some tests are necessary to assess where the numbness comes from.

If there is no medical cause behind the numbness, the higher probability is that you clench or grind your teeth, which compresses structures, which causes the numbness. A bite splint, a dental equilibration, and some physiotherapy can help to reduce the pressure and then reduce or stop the numbness.

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The origin of most of tinnitus is still unknown. In some cases, an excessive pressure of the jaw on the internal ear may be the origin. In those cases, a bite splint or a dental occlusion will be proposed, but tinnitus is a problem that is rarely totally resolved. More recent is the problem, more chances you have to be relieved.

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Back pain

Although back pain has several known origins, pain in the upper back is often caused by muscle compensation from poor posture of the head. One of the causes of poor head posture is the imbalance of the teeth and the jaw.

A bite splint or a dental equilibration helps to restore a good jaw posture and contributes to lower the level of stress on the upper back. That will help the therapist treat your back ⁄ shoulders ⁄ neck.

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