
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4h30pm

Call: 450-433-4111


Rehab services

Tooth reconstruction (used, broken, discolored, crooked, etc.)

Prosthodontics is the science of strengthening and ⁄ or replacing teeth. It includes crowns, bridges, implants, partial plates, etc.

La prosthodontie est la science du renforcement et/ou du remplacement des dents. Elle inclue les couronnes, les ponts, les implants, les partiels etc.

We offer a prosthodontic service especially for complex cases. So if you have worn teeth and desire to restore them with porcelain crowns, or if you have missing teeth and you would like to replace them, our prosthodontic service is for you.

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Jaw problems


Before your first appointment:

When you’ll call the clinic, our desk assistant will ask you some basic questions. She will send you a questionnaire to fill before your first appointment for a better understanding of your past, your symptoms and your expectations.

You have to expect that the first appointment is about an hour and a half, to have and to take the time to listen your story, make a complete assessment of your problems, do the examination, make the diagnosis, and talk about all the options and possible solutions for your situation.

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Equilibrated bite splint

A bite splint is an appliance covering top teeth or bottom teeth, or sometimes top and bottom teeth.

A bite splint can protect the teeth from wear or grinding, and most of the time it is worn at night while sleeping. It can also reduce the amount of pressure on other jaw structures : bones, muscles, TMJs.

You may also be advised to wear it, in addition to the night, part of the day for a certain period of time if you suffer from jaw pain, muscle pain, joint pain, pain when you eat or when you talk.

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Dental equilibration

Dental equilibration is used to make the upper and lower teeth fit better together. Many people are aware that their teeth are not biting well or have changed, and others are not aware of it.

The fact that the teeth do not fit well together is the source of many cases of muscular tension, jaw pain, headache, tooth wear, receding gums, etc.

Dental equilibration is done by small micro-grinding of the slopes of the points of teeth so that the bite ⁄ the fit of the upper and lower teeth gets better. This procedure is done without anesthesia, because it’s only done on the surface of the teeth.

Dental equilibration is only done when the jaw joints are healthy. If you have jaw joint pain, it is not the time to equilibrate your teeth. It is rather recommended to make an equilibrated bite splint which could be readjusted periodically as the inflammation in the joint decreases. When the joint is better, we can proceed to the dental equilibration.

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Pre-orthodontic exam

Many people need an orthodontic treatment (braces and ⁄ or appliances) due to jaw growth defects.

The evaluation of the growth disorders, and ⁄ or eventually a certain level of degeneration (osteoarthritis of the jaw) can lead to the need of orthodontic treatment. We assess whether your jaw is ready and suitable for orthodontic treatment, and/or jaw surgery.

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Surgical follow-up

Two types of surgery

Jaw surgery (jaw joint)

  • Arthroscopy
  • Arthrocenthisis
  • Menisectomy and fat tissue graft
  • Costochondral graft
  • Total joint replacement

Our main area of work being related to jaw disorders, we offer a pre-surgery diagnosis, references to jaw surgeons if needed, and we follow-up after the surgery. We take care of the fabrication and adjustment of the various appliances and splints necessary throughout the process.

Orthognatic surgery (jaw bone)

We also evaluate cases of orthognatic surgery to determine if the jaw joint is able to support the jaw bone surgery process.

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MRI interpretation

MRI is used to see what’s going on in your jaw joints. The images show bones, muscles, cartilages and inflammation. Many dentists and doctors can prescribe an MRI to patients. We offer an interpretation service based on the diagnosis. by radiologists, in order to direct dentists and doctors to the best care for their patients.

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